Kitchen garden_Castleke

The vegetable garden in bloom

Here's a brief update on our vegetable garden. We started growing seeds at the end of March 2024, and it’s now early August. We're actually quite satisfied, given the variable weather over the past few months. There are also a lot of slugs this year. Fortunately, we haven’t been too bothered by them, as the wood chips really help with drying out the slugs!

On the photo, you can see what our little garden looks like at the end of July.

We have:
(1) One raised bed with herbs
(2) One raised bed mainly with strawberries, beets, and baby pumpkins
(3) One raised bed with beans, lettuce, and a very large sunflower
(4) One raised bed with cucumber, zucchini, fennel, parsnip, and purple carrots
(5) Various colors of tomatoes
(6) Orange carrots, buttercups, more lettuce, and peppers

Kitchen garden_Castleke

By the way, we also have several pear trees on our property. The pears aren’t edible as they are; we tested last week to see if they might be cooking pears. Indeed, they taste much better with wine (who would’ve thought)! So, they’re probably an old cooking pear variety.

It feels a bit strange to eat cooking pears in the summer, but with the number of pears these trees produce, it would be a shame not to use them. If we ever have extra time, we might even make a refreshing pear liqueur 😉

If you're nearby and would love to make some summer cooking pears, feel free to ask for a few; we have plenty.

By the way, there are also several pear trees on our property. The pears are so inedible, we tested last week to see if they might be stewing pears. And indeed with wine they taste much better (what doesn't)! So probably an old stewing pear variety after all.

It feels a little strange to eat stewing pears in the summer, but with the amount of pears these trees produce, it's almost a waste not to. If we ever have time to spare, maybe we can make it into a refreshing pear liqueur 😉

If you're in the area and really want to make summer stewing pears too, feel free to ask for some pears, we have plenty.

Stew pears castleke